
How that Affect Students’ Motivation in Education

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Boredom and motivation are rather words that roll up to be the most significant issues in the education sector. Lack of motivation for learning affects many students. It is a vital part of a student’s well-being and development. But what are the factors that affect students’ motivation in education?

What are the signs of effective learning strategies using motivation, engagement, and self-direction in the classroom?

We are going to answer these questions today. While this article is about education, you can use some of the ideas to boost your productivity and morale in your workplace as well.

Consider These 18 Responsible Factors for Student’s Educational Motivation

Students in the 21st century, particularly those studying in schools or institutes of higher education, have become more independent, innovative, and uniquely self-motivated.

Today’s students are no longer easily influenced by their teachers or parents. They are often not afraid to voice out their opinions right in class or at home.

Now, they can also differentiate between education and academic competition. Considering all the main factors, we short-listed the best 18, which are as follows.

1.    Homework overload

There is a difference between what students want to learn and what they are required to learn. Some teachers assign too much homework or too difficult tasks to achieve. Students in this situation may lose interest in the subject or become frustrated.

Especially, when they cannot finish their homework within the time allowed. What happens next? It can lead to poor grades or even dropping out of school.

When they do a bundle of work at night after school hours, can you guess their thoughts?

They may feel that there is not enough time for other activities such as sports or just relaxing with friends. This makes them feel overwhelmed with all these tasks. Again, which leads them to lose interest in doing anything at all.

2.    Independence in studying and learning

Give students free will to choose what they want to study, rather than being forced into a certain subject or course by parents or teachers. This free decision power will increase their interest in learning.

Suppose your students want to do well in a subject, then make sure one thing. Your pupils need to be motivated enough to study it independently. It means without needing constant supervision or advice from others.

The more independent they feel in their studies, the higher their level of motivation will be.

3.    Academic performance

Academic success is one of the most important variables in a student’s learning drive. These grades are based on academic aptitude. It includes how well a student does in class compared to other students in their grade level.

Poor grades might cause students to become disappointed and lose interest in their studies. They may even choose to drop out of school, and the reason is simple. It is because these pupils can no longer cope with the demands of their academics.

4.    Too much screen time or social media before school

Students need to have some free time before they get ready for school, agreed? For this, they choose to play a favorite game or watch something. Now, how will this impact? Actually, too much screen time or social media can negatively impact their performance at school.

They will see before and after school. It is a habit of the majority of the students. We need to control this according to research.

For example, research shows that students who spend more than two hours per day on screen are less likely to get good grades.

To help your child avoid this problem, encourage them to spend more time reading books instead of watching TV or playing games on the computer or phone. This way, they will stay motivated to study well in school. Moreover, engage them in psychical sports and competitions.

5.    The attitude of parents, teachers, and schoolmates

Parents, teachers, and schoolmates can greatly influence how students feel about school subjects. Students who receive encouragement from home tend to have higher achievement levels than those who don’t receive this support.

This may come in the form of assistance with homework, praise when they do well, or encouragement to keep trying even when things get hard.

It is by making them feel supported, encouraging them to learn more, helping them achieve goals when they are struggling, etc.

6.    Personal satisfaction with schoolwork

Students who enjoy what they’re doing are more likely to stay focused on their work. They persist until they’ve mastered the material. Teachers can help students see the value of learning. It explains why particular topics matter and how they relate to real-world situations.

They can also help encourage students’ sense of achievement. It shows respect and appreciation when they succeed at tasks, even if they’re not perfect the first time (or ever).

7.    Role of emotionally intelligent behaviors (EIB)

The fourth factor that affects students’ motivation in education is emotionally intelligent behavior (EIB). EIB involves understanding your emotions and managing them effectively. It is so that they can’t control you. This way, you can improve your productivity.

This means that if you know how to control your emotions, this will positively affect your behavior. Also, your attitude towards learning will result in better academic performance.

8.    Rewards for academic achievement

Students who receive prizes for academic performance from their parents or professors are more likely to be motivated in their studies.

For example, if a student receives outstanding marks but no recognition, he may begin to lose interest in his work because it is no longer worthwhile.

This could hurt his academic achievement in the future. This would have an impact on his future career choices.

If, on the other hand, the student receives positive feedback from his teacher or parents when he performs well. This can then inspire him to keep working hard and improve in the future.

Furthermore, if he is acknowledged with money or an allowance for doing well in school, he may find it easier to stay motivated. Because it makes learning appear worthwhile, and worthy activities are more enjoyable than those that are not.

9.    Poor breakfast choices

Breakfast is often skipped by many students due to time constraints or lack of appetite. However, skipping breakfast can have a negative impact on learning ability and behavior in school.

A healthy breakfast provides energy and contributes to cognitive function throughout the day. Therefore, students need to eat breakfast before school to focus on their work without feeling hungry or tired.

10. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation has been found to negatively impact cognitive functioning in students and cause them to feel tired, irritable, and unmotivated. A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics showed that lack of sleep can adversely affect memory recall and may lead to lower grades in school.

It can cause a student to become less alert, irritable, and unable to concentrate on the task at hand. Moreover, it has also been linked to depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders in children and adolescents.

We can expect the consequences, right? It can also reduce self-control, making it harder for students to resist distractions or temptations like junk food or video games. All these temptations may interfere with their ability to concentrate on their academic work.

11. Beliefs about intelligence and ability

We cannot deny it is a fact. Your mental strength and thoughts can change your life. Students who believe intelligence is fixed tend to be less motivated than others who believe intelligence can grow with effort.

These students may think that studying hard will get good grades on tests and assignments, but they won’t get any smarter over time.

On the other hand, if a student believes that intelligence can grow with effort. They will try harder in school because they know their efforts will pay off in the long run.

A belief that their efforts will lead to success! Motivation is largely about feeling confident about our ability to succeed at something.

Our motivation tends to dry up pretty quickly when we don’t believe we can do something. However, when we feel confident that our hard work will pay off somehow, it’s much easier to stay motivated through difficult times.

12. Perceived control over one’s learning outcomes

Students who feel they have much control over their learning outcomes tend to be more motivated and engaged in the classroom.

For example, a student who feels they can influence the grade on an important test is more likely to study for it. They do well on it than a student who feels there is nothing they can do about their grades.

13. Positive classroom environment (e.g., cooperative learning, supportive teacher)

A classroom is a place where students learn and develop their social skills. This environment greatly influences students’ motivation to learn and study.

For example, when teachers use cooperative learning strategies or engage in positive reinforcement with students, it will help them be more motivated to learn.

In addition, supportive teachers can help motivate students by giving them opportunities to talk about their interests or concerns. Then also by encouraging them when they are discouraged or unsuccessful at something.

14. Feeling of isolation

Students who feel lonely or isolated in school may lack the motivation to study. In some cases, they may even drop out of school because they don’t feel comfortable there anymore.

This can result from bullying or other forms of abuse by other students or teachers at their school. If you’re one of these students, it’s important to find ways to cope with your feelings, so they don’t affect your academic performance too much.

You could talk to someone close to you about what’s bothering you or seek help from a counselor or therapist if necessary.

15. Role of competition

The effect of competition on motivation differs from person to person. It depends on their personality traits. Some people are motivated by competition, while others may feel discouraged.

For example, if someone performs poorly in a spelling bee contest. They may feel so discouraged that they do not want to participate again in future competitions. This can affect their overall performance at school or work. It is because they have lost interest in their studies or work activities.

Another example would be when children play sports together with friends and family members. These play partners can be better than them at certain skills such as hitting a baseball or playing basketball.

In this situation, children may feel discouraged and lose interest in these activities. There are chances, it could affect their overall performance at school or work because they have lost interest in these activities.

16. Personalized learning

Personalized learning is proportional to provision of clear goals. Then helping students understand how their unique skills and interests fit within them.

For example, if a student is struggling with math. Personalized learning can help him, or her see that they learn best when there’s a real-world application involved.

Connect the dots between what they already know and what they need to learn next. This way, they are more likely to stay engaged in their studies.

It is because now they can see how what they’re learning fits into their larger goal. The goal can refer towards graduating high school with good grades in all subjects.

17. Self-esteem Issues

Concerns about one’s self-worth are the most important element among those weighing on a student’s desire to learn. The presence of healthy self-esteem significantly aids the process of learning and growing.

Students with a positive self-image are more likely to put in the work necessary to achieve their academic goals. They will put more effort into their studies, resulting in improved academic performance.

On the other side, if students do not have a positive self-image, they may be less motivated to succeed. It happens when they do not believe they can excel in their academics. Eventually, this attitude is directed toward making a significant academic effort.


Lack of motivation halts progress as a student. It affects students’ learning, performance, and behavior in class, and interest in doing homework and studying. Motivated people achieve much more than those who are unmotivated.

Truly, what motivates one person might not motivate another. However, certain overall rules seem particularly applicable to most successful environments.

Among these, competition, challenge and relevance fulfill our assignment as core motivators in education. These motivators are crucial if we’re going to help students succeed.


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