How Much Does It Spend to Get a Logo in 2021

Spend to Get a Logo

How Much Does It Spend to Get a Logo in 2021?

The logo is one of the essential components of every brand. This is what every customer will see about your business on social media, your website, premises, and business proposals. (Spend to Get a Logo)

So you will understand: logos are a real issue for companies. One of the main qualities of a logo is that it can easily describe and identify your business and stand out from its direct competitors. (Spend to Get a Logo)

In addition, all companies tend to create their visual identity at the same time as their logo. This makes this step in the creation of a business even more important. (Spend to Get a Logo)

Logo creation is a service offered by many freelancers and businesses. There are very disparate prices: from 1,000 to several hundred thousand dollars for the big brands.

You will see in this article the different solutions to create your logo:

  • Consult a design agency.
  • Call on a graphic designer.
  • Do it yourself.

To guide you through the jungle of logo prices, this post will reveal all advice.

How can you get your logo? And prices.

Agency: quality and expertise

Using an agency is the assurance of having a logo that perfectly meets your expectations. Whether in terms of design, colors, adaptability.

Thanks to several years of experience and the integration of several specialized graphic designers, agencies can create a logo that accurately reflects your business and its values.

Agencies work in most cases with freelancers and carefully selected employees.

Service quality

The main advantage of agencies remains the quality of service and support.

Indeed, apart from a specification and a brief, all you have to do is follow the progress of the logo creation.

In addition, most of the time, the agencies provide after-sales service and remain available to meet your needs. In general, the client relationship with an agency is very satisfactory.

Plurality of skills
The other significant advantage is the plurality of skills.

Indeed, even if agencies specialized in a specific field, others have several strings to their bows. This makes it possible to use their services regularly to create your graphic charter and your communication strategy on social networks.

The prices charged by agencies for the creation of logos vary according to a multitude of parameters:

  • the reputation of the agency;
  • the size of the client company;
  • the number of supports;
  • the incorporation of “options,” such as standard documents, for example.

This makes it difficult to determine the cost of a logo created by an agency.

For small businesses with relatively simple needs in terms of design, it is necessary to plan between $1500and $4000 minimum.

On the other hand, larger amounts and sometimes greater than $10,000 will be requested for already developed companies wishing to completely redefine their brand image.

Freelance: proximity and seriousness

Freelancers are independent professionals offering intellectual services. They offer services in:

  • Web development,
  • SEO optimization,
  • content writing
  • creation of logos.
  • Freelance business model.

More and more designers and graphic designers are offering their services with freelance status. They either work for an agency as a subcontractor or bill their clients directly for their services without going through an agency.

The dominant economic model in the freelance world is the daily rate. Service work is rarer, as it is often less advantageous for freelancers.

However, some freelancers offer a fee-for-service package providing a price increase of + 20% / + 30% if the assignment turns out to be longer and more complex than expected.

Calculate the price of a freelance

To estimate the cost of creating a logo by a freelancer, you need to do the following calculation:

Number of days worked” x “daily rate”

The Your daily rate of a freelancer depends on his experience. The portfolio is a good way to see the quality of work done by a freelancer. It’s also the right way to negotiate the price.

Typically, creating a logo takes 3 or 4 days of work, depending on the complexity of your need.

The daily rate for a junior freelance designer averages 350 to 400 Dollars per day. A senior freelance designer will charge more between 500 to 600 Dollars per day.

The price of a logo through a freelance graphic designer will be at least 1,500 Dollars. The price may vary depending on the difficulty of the request, the experience of the graphic designer.

For example, if your needs are complex and you hire an experienced designer, the logo will cost more than 2,000 Dollars.

Note: If you find graphic designers who cut the price, generally consider: low price = low quality.

However, hiring a freelancer has two drawbacks:

There is the risk of hiring a poor-quality service that does not meet your expectations. Hence the importance to carefully selecting your freelance by paying attention to their profile. Elements such as his training, his experience are good indicators of the quality of a freelance’s work.

Second, a freelancer who sets his prices per assignment can be problematic in follow-up and availability. So give preference to freelancers working by the day to ensure the freelance’s availability if the assignment is to last longer.

Online logo maker: the economical solution

To create your logo, you will need to go through the user-friendly logo makers.

It is also possible to create your logo without downloading graphics software. This is what online logo makers offer.

So you can very well use platforms like DesignEvo, which allow you to create a logo quickly and at low prices, even free. DesignEvo is a template-driven logo maker, so you can find your logo template to edit from more than 10,000 templates. So, you can easily find a template to modify, not matter whether you are looking for a mobile logo template or any other industry logo template.

The degree of personalization can be good if you don’t have big needs and don’t want to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Because indeed, the possibilities are not endless. On the other hand, the handling is very simple. The interface is designed to create your logo step by step, following a logical path:

  • Choice of template,
  • Customization of template,
  • Preview the logo,
  • Download the logo.

Technically, it is possible to create a logo with this kind of platform in just a few minutes.

However, using these types of tools is not the ideal solution. As explained in the introduction of this article, your company’s notoriety depends in part on the quality of your logo.

The use of these tools is still very inexpensive, which is what makes them used a lot.

You will have to pay $24.99 or $49.99 depending on the tools to download and use your logo. This remains a very economical solution.


There are, therefore, several ways to create your company’s logo for different budgets.

If you want optimal work and follow-up, it will be interesting to turn to a graphic design and logo design agency. With a reduced budget, you can turn to freelance. If you are confident in your design skills, you can also make your logo yourself on easy-to-use logo makers like DesignEvo.


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